Quick yet penetrating action

Time Stamp: 05/27/2011

Used with permission.  Responses submitted by Hugh C. (Nova Scotia)

Question: Overall, how satisfied are you with the Herbal Oil?

ANSWER: Extremely satisfied

Question: What diagnosed health conditions or general ailments have you treated with the Herbal Oil?

ANSWER: spasmodic groin area owing to botched appendicitis years ago, Over used or strained muscles, General body aches and pains

Question: How many Herbal Oil treatments did you apply before you felt your body respond?

ANSWER: 6-10

Question: How would you describe your experience with using the Herbal Oil?

ANSWER: quick pain relief and helpful for spasm

Question: What do you like most about the Herbal Oil?

ANSWER: quick yet penetrating action

Question: Compared to other pain relief products available, would you say that the Herbal Oil is …

ANSWER: Much better